Mrs. Melton's First Grade

First Grade Handbook

Welcome to first grade and the beginning of another wonderful school year.  I’m very excited about this school year.  I have included some information which is very important so please look through it carefully.  If you ever have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me.

                                                          Thank you,

                                                Mrs. Amellia Melton


The building is opened at 7:00 am each morning.  Students should go directly to the gym each morning.  Our school day begins promptly at 7:45 am.  If your child arrives after 7:45, he or she should go to the office for a tardy slip.  

Students are dismissed at 2:35 pm if he or she is picked up.  If your child must leave earlier he or she must be signed out in the office.  If you need to come to the classroom or speak with me please try to let me know ahead of time.  The children get very distracted when we have visitors.  It is best to set up an appointment so that instructional time is not disturbed.  It also becomes a safety issue when I am unable to give them my full attention.


      HAWK  BOOKS        

Each day your child will be responsible for bringing home his or her HAWK  Book.  This will come home on the first day of school and is to be brought to school EVERYDAY.  There will be a letter explaining what it is and how it will work.   I feel it is a great way for us to communicate, build responsibility in the children, and be a very important tool for us this year.  Please look it over carefully and let me know if you have any questions.


We will have a spelling test, word wall test, and reading test every Friday.  Students will be introduced to the words at the beginning of the week and a copy of them will be sent home to you.  Please encourage your child to study these each night at home.

Reading will be extremely important this year.  Students will be exposed to a lot of reading at school but it is very important that they are exposed to it at home.  Whenever possible, encourage your child to read, read with your child, and read to your child. The more exposure a child can have the better.  We will  be working from lots of different reading sources including our reading series, leveled readers, and our classroomlibrary.  I will be asking that your child practice reading every night.  

 If your child seems to be having difficulty finishing work in class he or she may bring it home to finish.  Please return it to school as soon as possible.



If you wish for your child to have snack, please send it with him or her daily.  We will have a time set aside each afternoon for snack. 



Our school policy for administering medicine, both prescription and over the counter, must be followed strictly.  If your child must take medication during school hours please check with the office for proper procedures.  DO NOT SEND MEDICINE TO SCHOOL WITH YOUR CHILD.  Medication must be brought to school by an adult.



Breakfast prices will be $.75 for full price and $.30 for reduced.  Lunch prices will be $1.50 for full price and $.40 for reduced.  Adult visitor lunches are $3.00 and holiday visitor lunches are $4.00.  Please send your child’s lunch money on Monday for each week if at all possible.  The money should be in a sealed envelope with the teacher’s name, date, student’s name, and amount enclosed written on the outside.



Please understand that your child’s attendance is very important. First grade is very busy and full of lots of new information.  If your child misses a day of school, we must receive a written excuse within three days in order for the absence to be excused.  Please send a doctor’s excuse whenever possible. Students who accumulate five unexcused absences may be reported to the countyattendance supervisor.  Unexcused tardiness and sign outs will count toward these days as well.



          This year we will be using a color system to encourage positive behavior.  It resembles a traffic light.  Students will begin each day on green.  Green represents appropriate behavior.  If a student has to be warned for inappropriate behavior he or she will move to yellow.  When on yellow, the student will discuss the behavior with me.  If the inappropriate behavior continues or other poor behaviors occur, the student will move to red.  Students on red may miss recess time, miss special activities, or receive other disciplinary action.  In the BEAR books you will find a daily report of your child’s behavior.  Your child will color the face on the chart based on the color he or she was assigned that day.  Please check it daily. 


BOOK CLUBS        

Reading is an extremely important part of first grade.  It is important that children have as much experience with reading and books as possible.  Approximately once a month I will send home book club order forms.  These book clubs are great ways to buy good books at cheap prices. 


First Grade Supply List



Primary handwriting tablets



 Donations of the following items would be greatly appreciated :  paper towels, hand sanitizer, small school box, backpack, tissues, and baby wipes throughout the year. 

We would also like for each child to bring in a plain white T-shirt.  We will be decorating these to wear for class activities.


***Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school.


If you need to get in touch with me I can be reached by email: [email protected], or at school: 823-5921. 


Your child is VERY important to me!  If your child has any special needs or circumstances please let me know.


I occasionally send home copies of information that I come across that I feel might be helpful or of interest to parents.  I hope that you find any information helpful for you in supporting your child’s school success.