Mrs. Melton's First Grade

HAWK Books

Dear Families,                                                           

        I want to introduce you to your HAWK binder.  This is a very important part of my teaching because it is a means of communicating with you!  As you may have noticed, HAWK is an acronym for Hard At Work Kids.  Your child is required to take this binder home every afternoon and is also responsible for bringing it back to school in the mornings.  I will be checking the contents of the binder each morning. Here is how it is organized:


·       Pencil pouch:  Please place any lunch money, field trip money, or any money sent to school in this pouch.

·       Home reading record: Please sign each night.

·       Daily behavior report: Please check each night.

·       Important Stuff Folder: This folder will contain any notes from school as well as classroom information, etc.  This folder is also for sending excuses to school when your child is ill. One side of the folder will be for items that should stay at home and the other side will be for items that need to be returned or sent to school.

·       Spelling & Word Wall Words:  a list of words we will be working with for the week will be in the HAWK book along with our current reading story.

·       Other info:  You will also find other items that will be important throughout the year.  Please check it daily.

The HAWK binder is great way to keep us both organized and encourage communication.  It will also encourage responsibility in the students. I have supplied all of the items in the HAWK binder at the beginning of this school year.  If any items are lost and damaged during the school year, it will be the responsibility of the family to replace those items. 

    I am very excited about having your child in class this year and as his/her parent, I view you as my partner in educating him/her.  While we will be discussing the components of this binder in class, please also discuss it with your child, reinforcing the importance of staying organized to prevent any problems in the future.   

Thank you,

Mrs. Melton